
Operating Data
Total Mobile Customers(in thousands)
5G Package Customers(in thousands)
Wireline Broadband Customers(in thousands)
    2015 2014
As restated1
Operating revenue (RMB million)   668,335 651,509 2.6%
Of which: Revenue from telecommunications services (RMB million) 584,089 591,602 -1.3%
EBITDA2 (RMB million)   240,028 241,831 -0.7%
EBITDA margin3   35.9% 37.1% -1.2pp
Profit attributable to equity shareholders (RMB million) 108,539 109,218 -0.6%
Margin of profit attributable to equity shareholders4 16.2% 16.8% -0.6pp
Basic EPS (RMB)   5.30 5.38 -1.5%
Dividend per share -- Interim (HK$) 1.525 1.540
  -- Final (HK$) 1.196 1.380
  -- Full year (HK$) 2.721 2.920

1. In 2015, CM TieTong acquired certain assets and businesses ("Target Assets and Businesses") of China TieTong Telecommunications Corporation. The acquisition of the Target Assets and Businesses was considered as a business combination under common control as CM Tietong and the Target Assets and Businesses are both ultimately controlled by China Mobile Communications Corporation. As a result, the Group has restated the 2014 comparative amounts of the consolidated statement of comprehensive income by including the operating results of Target Assets and Businesses and eliminating its transactions with the Target Assets and Businesses, as if the acquisition had been completed on the earliest date of the periods being presented, i.e., 1 January 2014. The consolidated balance sheet of the Group as at 31 December 2014 was restated to include the assets and liabilities of Target Assets and Businesses. Please refer to note 2(b) to the consolidated financial statements included in 2015 annual report for details.

2. The Company defines EBITDA as profit for the year before taxation, share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method, finance costs, interest income, other gains, depreciation, amortization of other intangible assets, impairment loss of goodwill and gain on the transfer of Tower Assets.

3. EBITDA margin = EBITDA/Operating revenue.

4. Margin of profit attributable to equity shareholders = Profit attributable to equity shareholders/Operating revenue.

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